New patient organisation in Japan

The latest aHUS patient organisation to affiliate to the alliance is aHUS Kids  Japan. They introduce themselves in their own words with English translations.
aHUS kids Japan 患者会設立のお知らせ
この度、小児非典型溶血性尿毒症症候群(aHUS)の患者やその家族を対象にした患者会を「aHUS kids Japan」として平成28年7月1日に設立致しました。
aHUS は希少疾患であり同じ病気の患者さんと出会う事が少ないため、 病気についての正しい情報を得たり、患者同士の交流の場を設ける事が必要だと思いスタートしました。
aHUS kids Japan Chairman Mihoko Tomori 
aHUS kids Japan  会長 友利 美保子
Notice of aHUS kids Japan Patients Association Established
This time, we have established a patient meeting that aimed at the patients and their families of children with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) to “aHUS kids Japan” and to 2016 on July 1.
Because it is small aHUS is to meet the patient’s is a rare disease the same disease, or to obtain the correct information about the disease, we started I think that it is necessary to provide a forum for exchange of patient with each other.
Now the number family and at home Kai small number of members. Activities include study sessions on the disease in the General Assembly-patient meetings once a year, it is the exchange meeting. The future is also considered, such as sharing of information in for members of the home page.
Contact the email address below, please provide us with the names, members hope or inquiry. Towards the members hope will send the Constitution.
aHUS kids Japan chairman Mihoko Tomori
More information
aHUS Kids Japan」は、201671日に発足した新しい患者会です。数家族ではじまった会ですが、大きな目標に向かって活動しています。
 「aHUS Kids Japan」は数家族のみで構成される小さな会で、発足して間もないですが、どの患者さんのご家族も勉強熱心で新しい情報を常に知りたがっています。同じ病気で悩んでいる方々と国内外を問わず積極的に交流し、情報交換していきたいと考えています。
AHUS Kids Japan ” is 2016 years 7 May 1 is a new patients’ association, which was established in the days. This meeting, which began in a few families, but working toward the big goal.
Question 1. How did the group form ? What is its history,structure, goal, future?
 Attending physician was organized 3 through the times of the exchange meeting, became a meeting of this every time a patient-led. Study sessions in the past of the alternating current patient in the meetings and family, information exchange meetings, we went the activity by the child-life specialist. Currently we share information by e-mail around the president, but plans to create website in the near future. I believe Once now working in more and more active, Mote exchanges at home and abroad of patients us and the various forms.
What are problems faced by Japanese patients?
 One is for the administration of eculizumab 2 in week 1 the child is school for the times of the visit, the parent is that you must rest the work.
 The second is that it is difficult to obtain the knowledge about the disease. How much whether there are patients, such as what happens when you quit the eculizumab, very information is missing. To begin with information rather than in trouble special to something we in trouble to be less.
 Besides this, or have trouble with that difficult to understand around because the number of patients is small illness, pregnancy, childbirth, anxiety and whether surgery is sick, such as not relapse, there is a vague anxiety about the future.
What is the treatment for aHUS in Japan. Eculizumab, or you can receive any medical care in Japan, including the kidney transplant?
 In Japan, by complement-related gene abnormalities and antibody production aHUS treatment for Europe, it is the same as the United States and Canada. In Japan Society of Nephrology 2016 it has created a clinical practice guidelines in years. Its content is the same as the European and American guidelines. Eculizumab 2014 to year aHUS is approved for use against, it can now be used in all patients. Plasma therapy is also available. Medical expenses, including eculizumab by the system of pediatric chronic specific diseases and incurable diseases certification has been financed also by adults in children.
What more do you want to know about aHUS? What kind of research has been done, Do you have and whether you want to hear the story of what kind of person?
 For eculizumab, what it is not that there would be no effect of the medicine you’re using long, or whether the neutralizing antibody will not be able to, I want to know whether there is a possibility of changes to the extension and the injection and drink drug dosing interval is.
 Or a person with a research of disease and medicine, I would like to hear the story of the people who are receiving long treatment.
 Because there is one with the same genetic abnormality in the family, I want to know also about how people with the same genetic abnormality is to develop the disease at a rate of how much.
 Pediatric patients who of Japan, except that there is a need for regular hospital visits Are you living in the same way as other children. A few months later with the onset will be able to in the same way as before to become a physical education school to disease, in the sports day you spend in active or doing cheerleader.
 ” AHUS Kids Japan ” is a small meeting consisting of only a few family, shortly after you, but its inception, also enthusiastic and wants to know always new information study which patient’s family. The same disease in actively exchanges regardless of the people home and abroad to suffer, we would like to exchange information.
Message from aHUS Kids Japan
With the members of pediatric aHUS patients and their parents in Japan, we established patients’ association “aHUS Kids Japan” on July 1st, 2016. It is a great delight to join aHUS Alliance!
Because aHUS is a rare disease and we have slight chance to meet other patients, our association can be a great help to communicate with other patients and families with aHUS. Also our purpose is to obtain proper and latest knowledge of our disease.
We are just standing on the start line together hand in hand.
A twelve years old girl drew this picture. This picture has a message that a butterfly takes wing and go to anywhere it wants. The girl who drew this picture is one of our members. She imagines a butterfly emerges from a chrysalis and she see herself in it.

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