aHUS Clinicians & Investigators

Atypical HUS is a very rare and complex disease.  We thank those who collaborate on global aHUS research efforts, and extend our gratitude to the physicians and groups who partner with patient organizations and international aHUS advocacy efforts.
We recognize with special appreciation these clinicians and aHUS investigators who connect with our aHUS Alliance Global Action team, and thank them for acting as a connecting point to advance aHUS research in practice.

Note to Patients & Caregivers:  We’re pleased to support your healthcare with this global ‘Doc to Doc’ directory, which provides your medical team with expertise to consult on complex care of people diagnosed with atypical HUS (or a suspected diagnosis of aHUS).  If you are a patient or aHUS caregiver, please contact your own medical team if you wish them to reach out to these experts. This network was created so that physicians worldwide may reach out for medical consultation regarding aHUS diagnosis and management.

Gianluigi Ardissino   MD, Ph.D
Director of the Center for HUS Prevention, Control and Management
Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico
E:  ardissino@centroseu.org

Arvind Bagga  MD, FAMS, FIAP, FISN
Professor of Pediatrics
ICMR Center for Advanced Research in Nephrology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences
New Delhi 110029
Tel. +91-11-26593472, +91-9810590809
E:  arvindbagga@hotmail.com

Richard Burwick, MD, MPH      
Associate Professor of Maternal Fetal Medicine     
San Gabriel Valley Perinatal Medical Group  
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center  
Pomona, CA  
United States 
Tel: +1 909-865-9705
E:  richard.burwick@pvhmc.org 

Spero Cataland, MD     
Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine, Hematology
The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
460 West 10th Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43210
Tel.  (614) 293-9441
E:  Spero.Cataland@osumc.edu 

Shruti Chaturvedi, M.B.B.S., M.S.  
Associate Professor of Medicine 
The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Main Entrance)
1800 Orleans St.,  Sheikh Zayed Tower   
Baltimore, MD 21287       
Tel. (410) 502-6686   
E:  schatur3@jhmi.edu   

Nathan T Connell   MD, M.P.H.    
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School      
Hematology Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital   
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-732-5190     Fax: 617-732-5706

Fadi Fakhouri, MD, PhD
Professor of Nephrology
Department of Nephrology
CHUV Lausanne
E:  fadi.fakhouri@unil.ch

Johannes Hofer, MD  
Pediatric Nephrology and Neurology      
Institute of Neurology of Senses and Language,       
Hospital of St John of God, Linz, Austria      
Research collaboration with Medical University Innsbruck,     
Department of Pediatrics I, Innsbruck, Austria   
E:  johannes.hofer@bblinz.at

Maria Izabel de Holanda, MD, PhD    
Staff Nephrologist     
Nephrology Fellowship Program Coordinator
Department of Nephrology and Kidney Transplant
Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso
Av.londres 616, prédio 1, nefrologia
Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
Tel.   +55 21 39779636  or + 55 21 999072244
E:   izabeldeholanda@gmail.com

Diana Karpman, MD PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Lund University
Tel: +46-46-2220747. Cell phone: +46-706-654947
E: diana.karpman@med.lu.se

David Kavanagh  FRCP PhD  
Professor of Complement Therapeutics 
Honorary Consultant Nephrologist   
National Renal Complement Therapeutics Centre
aHUS Service, Building 26
Royal Victoria Infirmary
Queen Victoria Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel:  NRCTC Direct Line +44 191 282 0385
E:  NRCTC atypical.hus@nhs.net

Mathieu Lemaire   MSc, MDCM, PhD
Staff Nephrologist, The Hospital for Sick Children
Scientist-track Investigator, Cell Biology, Sick Kids Research Institute
Asst. Professor, Paediatrics, University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8
Tel:  (416) 813-7654   ext. 309419
E:  mathieu.lemaire@sickkids.ca

Tanja Kersnik Levart, MD, PhD  
Professor of Paediatrics    
Head of Division of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation at the Paediatric Clinic                 
University Medical Centre Ljubljana   
Bohoričeva 20
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.   +386 1 522 71 45    Fax: +386 1 522 96 20
E:   tanja.kersnik@guest.arnes.si

Christoph Licht   MD, FRCPC, FASN
Professor of Paediatrics
Staff Nephrologist and
Director, Dialysis & Apheresis Program
Division of Nephrology
Senior Associate Scientist
Cell Biology Program

The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8    CANADA
Tel.  +1 416 813 309343    Fax. +1 416 813 6271
Email:  christoph.licht@sickkids.ca

Adrian Catalin Lungu   MD  
Paediatric Nephrology
Bucharest, Romania
Tel:  +40 722 131950
E:  adilungu@mediakompass.ro

Yaeko Motoyoshi  MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics, Graduate Medical School
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
E:   ymoped@tmd.ac.jp

Carla M. Nester   MD, MSA
University of Iowa
Adult and Pediatric Nephrology

U of Iowa Heath Care
Tel. (319) 356-1616
Iowa City, Iowa
Tel.  (319) 356-7249    Fax.  (319) 384-9616
E:   carla-nester@uiowa.edu

Fatih Ozaltin  M.D.      
Assoc. Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology   
Head, Nephrogenetics Laboratory
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine
06100, Sıhhiye, Ankara       
E:    fozaltin@hacettepe.edu.tr      ozaltinf@gmail.com

Zoltán Prohászka  MD, PhD       
Professor of Immunology and Director,      
Füst György Complement Diagnostic Laboratory   
3rd Department of Medicine, Research Laboratory,
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary    
Tel.    +361-3251379
E:   prohaszka.zoltan@med.semmelweis-univ.hu

Rupesh Raina   MD
Director of Medical Research, Internal Medicine
Akron General Medical Center 
Pediatric Nephrologist

Akron Children’s Hospital, Nephrology & Pediatric Hypertension Center 
1 Perkins Square
Akron, OH, 44308
Tel.  330-543-8950
Email:  RRaina@akronchildrens.org

Giuseppe Remuzzi, MD, FRCP,
Director, Clinical Research Center for Rare Diseases “Also e Cele Daccò”
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS
Via Camozzi, 3
24020 Ranica
Bergamo ITALY
Web site: www.marionegri.it     Registry: International Registry of HUS/TTP
E:  giuseppe.remuzzi@marionegri.it  

Prof George Reusz   MD, PhD, ScD
First Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Clinical Nephrology and Dialysis
Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Tel.   +361-3247795
E:    reuszgs@gmail.com

Andrew M. Siedlecki   MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Division of Renal Medicine, Transplant Section
Harvard Medical School
Boston, MA
Tel:  1-314-809-2879
E:  asiedlecki@bwh.harvard.edu

Brankica Spasojevic-Dimitrijeva  
Senior Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist      
Clinical Assistant in Pediatrics         
University of Belgrade, School of Medicine
University Children’s Hospital
Nephrology Department     
Tirsova 10, 11000, Belgrade
Tel.  +381 112060765 (office)     +381 63 86 34 568 (cell)
E:  brankica.spasojevic@udk.bg.ac.rs    brankicaspasojevic@yahoo.com

Natasa Stajic MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Institute of Mother and Child Health Care “Dr Vukan Cupic”
Radoja Dakica 11070
Belgrade    SERBIA
also:   Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and,  Bosnia and Hertzegovina
Tel No. +38164 284 6808
E : natalijast2003@yahoo.com

Constantinos J. Stefanidis   MD, PhD.     
Head of Pediatric Nephrology      
Mitera Children’s Hospital
Athens, Greece    
Tel:   0030694447000 
E:  cjstefanidis@gmail.com

Prof. Maria Szczepańska  MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics,
Department of Pediatric Nephrology with
Pediatric Dialysis Unit
Independent Public Clinical Hospital No 1
Silesian Medical University in Katowice
Address: ul. 3 Maja 13-15, 41 – 800 Zabrze
Tel., fax    32 3704 292   Tel.  32 37 04 305
E:  dializy_dzieciece_zabrze@poczta.onet.pl

Velibor Tasic, MD, PhD         
Professor in Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology          
Senior Consultant Pediatric Nephrologist             
Head of the Department              
University Children’s Hospital,    
Medical School Skopje
17 Vodnjanska, 1000 Skopje
Tel.   +389-2-3147721 (office)   +389-75-789105 (cell)
E:    vtasic2003@gmail.com

Rezan Topaloglu  MD  
Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology   
Head, Department of Pediatric Nephrology
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine      
06100 Ankara Turkey
E:  rezantopaloglu@hacettepe.edu.tr

Nicole CAJ van de Kar   MD, PhD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Department of Pediatric Nephrology
Radboudumc Amalia Children’s Hospital
P.O.Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10, 6525 GA Nijmegen, the Netherlands  (route 804)
Tel:  +31 (0)24-3614430
E:  Nicole.vandeKar@radboudumc.nl

Prof. Aleksandra Żurowska          
Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Nephrology & Hypertension   
University Clinical Center     
Medical University of Gdansk   
Address: Dębinki 7, 80-952 Gdańsk , Poland
Tel.   +48 58 349 28 50     Fax.  +48 58 349 28 52
E:    azur@gumed.edu.pl

Please contact us at

info@aHUSallianceAction.org for questions or inquiries.

Related Article about aHUS Research & Clinical Centers:

aHUS & TMA Study Centers

Information and Links: aHUS Alliance Article (2018)


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