aHUS as a rare disease 10 years ago
10 years ago global information about aHUS patients was more or less non existent. Vey sparse at best. An aHUS alliance…
10 years ago global information about aHUS patients was more or less non existent. Vey sparse at best. An aHUS alliance…
The alliance reached its final stop on its Whistle Stop tour of four aHUS Expert Centres in Europe. In…
Bergamo IT - Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 aHUS Centers in the EU: Visits to Three Nations in 6 days. The aHUS Alliance toured centers of aHUS expertise and research in July 2018. 3rd Stop: Mario Negri Institute, the Centro di Ricerche Cliniche per le Malattie Rare "Aldo e Cele Daccò"
Newcastle upon Tyne UK - Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 aHUS Centers in the EU: Visits to Three Nations in 6 days. The aHUS Alliance toured centers of aHUS expertise and research in July 2018. 2nd Stop: England, the National Renal Complement Therapeutics Centre (NRCTC) and with the National aHUS Service (NHS).
Paris FR - Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 aHUS Centers in the EU: Visits to Three Nations in 6 days. The aHUS Alliance toured centers of aHUS expertise and research in July 2018. 1st Stop: the Complement Diagnostics Laboratory led by Dr Veronique Fremeaux- Bacchi (HEGP).
Whistle-Stop Tour of 4 aHUS Centers in the EU: Visits to Three Nations in 6 days. "What is a Centre of Excellence?" lacks clarity, and is a concern of patients, families, and advocates. On behalf of atypical HUS advocates, the aHUS Alliance toured EU centers of aHUS expertise and research in July 2018.
aHUS and TMA Study Centers An International List Compiled by the aHUS Alliance Atypical HUS is difficult…