Perspectives in aHUS – Creating Opportunities & Meeting Challenges – Kamal D. Shah of India

Atypical HUS - Perspectives: An ongoing series from the aHUS Alliance that features varied views, people, advocacy, organizations, or efforts that can provide deeper understanding and insights into this rare disease.

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Sleep Disturbances and Chronic Kidney Disease

 Many people with chronic kidney disease experience sleep disturbances, apparently affecting patients of all ages and many clinical subtypes. Here we present a curated list of information about sleep disorders and kidney disease, providing excerpts to provide an overview of how sleep disorders may have potential to impact atypical HUS patients of various ages and with varied health histories.

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Images for Rare Disease Day

The aHUS Alliance Global Action team has a gallery with a sampling of atypical HUS informational images for people and groups to share facts in their advocacy effort.  

Info & Advocacy – an Image Gallery


Below are just some aHUS Alliance images created for Rare Disease Day, so please visit our social media on platforms such as Twitter/X @aHUSallianceAct for a comprehensive array of current graphics. 


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