The twice delayed ISN Frontiers Symposium on Complement related renal diseases – MPGN/C3G and aHUS is still on course to be held in Bergamo, Italy on 23rd to 25th June 2022. A varied programme is planned and will cover both diseases ( see HERE)

It will begin with welcoming remarks by the hosts of the Symposium , Professor Guiseppe Remuzzi , Dr Marina Noris , both reknowned aHUS researchers from the Mario Negri Institute – a rare disease centre of excellence ( Global Action visited) and Prof Raja Ramachandran from the International Society of Nephrologists.
After the opening remarks a plenary lecture by Giuseppe follows. Its title “Rare Renal Diseases of Complement Dysregulation: Open a Window on the Future of Medicine” will set the scope of this Symposium; to understand the two complement related renal diseases and the future for their treatment .
For the rest of the day the focus is on MPGN and C3Gs and concludes with a keynote talk by Professor Richard Smith of the University of Iowa, who is known to many in the USA for the work he has done for aHUS patients there, including hosting the the biennial aHUS Conference.
Day 2 of the Symposium will be devoted to aHUS ( mostly) It starts with talks about “mouse models ” for aHUS and HUS by Wenchao Song and Carlamaria Zoja . David Kavanagh of the UK will talk about the “Genetic basis of aHUS“. “The Common Genetic suscepibility factors of aHUS” is subject of the next talk by Elena Goicoechea de Jorges from Spain.
Arvinda Bagga from India, well known to readers of this website, addresses the increasingly more prevalent cause of aHUS in his talk ” Anti-FH Antibodies Associated HUS”
The title of the next talk by Lubka Roumenina from France “aHUS : Why the Kidney?” Something frequently asked.
Completing the morning ( and early afternoon) session, Giovani Montini from Italy will present her talk about ” Primary and Secondary aHUS: Still worth discussing”. An aHUS pregnancy subject follows “Postpartum Renal Cortical Necrosis and aHUS ” a talk by Raja Ramachandran. The final talk of the session is about “Monitoring Complement Dysregulation in aHUS” and will be given by Miriam Galbusera , also from Italy.
The talks will be supplemented by a poster presentation selected from those submitted to Symposium.
The afternoon session is about “Therapies” and is split between aHUS and MPGN.
Firstly, Sjoerd Timmermans from the Netherlands will give a talk on “Eculizumab in Primary and Secondary aHUS: Who, When, and How Long?” Then Guiseppe Remuzzi will give another talk but with the same title as Sjoerd’s. And the third talk of the afternoon will be about transplants by Christophe Legendre from France .Its title “Impact of C5 Blockade on Post-transplant Outcomes and Renal Epidemiology of aHUS“
Talks will then will follow on the treatment of MPGN and C3G
To close Day 2 Prof. Fadi Fakhouri of Switzerland and again someone well known to readers of this website, will sum up with a keynote talk titled “HUS in 2022”
Day 3 of the Symposium is ” Patients Day” . There will be opportunities for patients to attend from the aHUS and MPGN /C3G communities to “meet the doctors”. First of all it will be for aHUS, and Giuseppe Remuzzi will introduce the session with a brief talk about “aHUS: News and Therapeutic Perspectives” which will be followed by a 10 minute talk by me , the author of this blog, about “Evidence based global advocacy for what matters to aHUS patients” . Guiseppe and Fadi Fakhouri will then co chair a general question and answer discussion involving the aHUS patients and doctors present. The invite to attend is open to all those who can travel to Bergamo. ( Registration is needed see below)
After a similar session with MPGN /C3G patients, the Symposium will come to a close with remarks from the hosts Guiseppe Remuzzi , Marina Noris and Raja Ramachandran.
and treatment
The International Society of Nephrology and the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research are pleased to invite you to join “The Patients Meet the Doctors” sessions organized on the last day of the ISN Frontiers Meeting “Complement-related kidney diseases: classification, genetics and treatment,” on June 25, 2022, Bergamo, Italy. During “The Patients Meet the Doctors” sessions, patients are invited to share their personal experiences, address issues that matter most to them and ask a panel of experts questions that lead to engaging conversation. Participation in “Patient Day” sessions is complimentary for all patients, however, for organizational reasons, pre-registration is required.
To register follow this LINK
Oggioni Room
Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII
Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII, 106
24121, Bergamo, Italy
Article No. 505