Closing the aHUS knowledge gap a bit more

A key outcome from conferences like Kidney Week in Chicago ( American Society of Nephrologists.) is the sharing of knowledge from thousands of bits of research which together help close…

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New patient organisation in Japan

The latest aHUS patient organisation to affiliate to the alliance is aHUS Kids  Japan. They introduce themselves in their own words with English translations. aHUS kids Japan 患者会設立のお知らせ   この度、小児非典型溶血性尿毒症症候群(aHUS)の患者やその家族を対象にした患者会を「aHUS…

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Pregnancy & HUS vs aHUS: A ‘Frontline Research Minute’ audio clip from Arkana Laboratories​ based on new article from key aHUS researchers Based on: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Pregnancy and…

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