Welcome to the aHUS Alliance Global Action’s Information Centre!
Containing a stock of information resources about atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome (aHUS) gathered from around the world, this ‘virtual library’ is designed to accommodate continuous updates of new material over time. Resources are aHUS-specific and act as a global repository for information useful to patient organisations, clinicians, health organisations, and the media.
Featured below is a collection of assets which include downloadable documents, resource links, or other aHUS information. We welcome you to browse our aHUS Alliance Press Kit.
If you are having difficulty finding specific aHUS information resources then click on the enquiries tool ( looks like a magnifying glass) in the right hand corner of the page and a search box will appear. Just type in what you are looking for.
If you wish to offer suggestions or make inquiries about the Information Centre, please contact us at info@aHUSAllianceAction.org.
Research/Publications aHUS Research & Publications Organized by Topic |
Index of KEY RESOURCES Clinical Network, Study Centers, Key ARTICLE INDEX, Fact Sheets, Clinical Tracker, Informational Assets, Our Newsletters |
Patient Research Agenda & Results from our POLLS Patient-led Int’l Consensus of aHUS Research Interest Areas |
Press Kit Materials & Assets to provide Info and insight |
aHUS Awareness Day & Rare Disease Day 24 Sept is aHUS Day Projects & Resources |
Video & Audio Clinical presentations Advocacy Group & Family Video |
SHUa: en Español aHUS Materials (SPANISH) |
SHUa: En français aHUS Materials (FRENCH) |
Social Media Twitter, Facebook Image Gallery |
SHUa: em Português aHUS Materials (PORTUGÉS) |
Future Assets | Future Assets |