Breaking news Breaking News Breaking News
Due to unforeseen events the planned Town Hall meetings on aHUS awareness are cancelled. Sorry to disappoint those intending to join in.
Something different is going to be attempted during the coming aHUS Awareness Day 2022. On 24th September two worldwide aHUS “Town Hall” meetings are being planned.
One for the Eastern Hemisphere and another later in the day in the West.
The meetings will use a zoom or similar platform and will be open to patients and their families.
Apart from all sharing stories about aHUS Awareness Day events , there will be representatives from patient organisations in attendance to answer questions about what is going on globally to help patients both currently and in the future around the world.
And of course a chance to talk about what unites us – aHUS.
The “eastern ” meeting will be hosted by Kamal Shah , a patient for 25 years and well known and well regarded as an advocate for others. Provisionally it will start at 9.30 am, Central European Time. The link for joining the eastern meeting is given below.
The ” western ” meeting will be hosted by Dave Deffenbaugh , Chair of the very well known Atypical HUS Foundation in the USA . Again provisionally it will start at Noon, Eastern Standard Time E:
Joining instructions will be provided nearer the day both here and in the social media. So keep an eye open for more news about it.
The meetings are scheduled to last for one hour. Check your local times, which could be different.
Hope you can make it for biggest aHUS awareness day event ever.
Eastern Town Hall Meeting joining link
Kamal Shah and Len Woodward are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on aHUS Awareness Day. E:
Topic: aHUS Awareness Day Townhall Meeting Eastern Hemisphere
Time: Sep 24, 2022 08:20 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 6838 1455
Passcode: 621565
The meeting will include Awareness Day event news and discussion of aHUS topics such as new treatments in the pipeline, diagnosis process, long aHUS, changing the name aHUS, and other aHUS matters that matter to patients.

Article No. 533