A well of aHUS mutations
aHUS patients raised the question “ are the predisposing genetic factors of aHUS fully catalogued?” as a topic of research which…
aHUS patients raised the question “ are the predisposing genetic factors of aHUS fully catalogued?” as a topic of research which…
Everyone has heard of magnetism. It is a physical force that attracts two objects together. It surrounds us, The earth is…
Today is significant for everyone with aHUS. Today the US Food & Drugs Administration ( FDA ) announced its decision on…
Out of more than 7000 rare diseases, only an estimated 5% have an approved treatment or therapy (Rare Disease Day, FAQs).…
It is reckoned that 1 in 25000 pregnancies are complicated by thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). That is 40 in a million pregnancies.…
2019 aHUS Awareness Day, an overview of the 5th annual 24 Sept campaign to raise awareness for the ultra rare disease atypical HUS.
As the world slips into September 25th, another aHUS Awareness Day passes. From the aHUS alliance‘s view it was the best…
Families are important . Families are important to those affected by aHUS. aHUS is a familial Disease. Families are important for…
Alexion Pharmaceuticals holds corporate blood donation drive to mark aHUS Awareness Day, 24 Sept 2019.