A Complement Weekend

An International Patient’s Conference on aHUS and C3 Glomerulopathy / MPGN is being organised on the 14th and 15th of September in Berlin, Germany. The event is being hosted by the Selbsthilfegruppe MPGN und aHUS e.V. and CompCureFoundation.

This is what the organisers have to say about the event: “The annual patient day for aHUS and MPGN/C3 glomerulopathy is a unique opportunity for patients and care-givers to find out more about these rare diseases, learn about new therapies, ask doctors questions and exchange ideas with one another. This year we would like to invite those affected from all over Europe for the first time and offer a parallel session in English alongside with a German session. Participation including meals is free of charge.”

The aHUS Alliance Global Action believes this is an excellent opportunity for those in Europe to learn about their or their family’s disease, get their questions answered and talk to other patients living with similar conditions.

Here is a link to the event: https://www.ahus-selbsthilfe.de/patiententag2024/

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