Written by an international team of atypical HUS patients and caregivers, the newsletter is an objective look at information and topics important to aHUS families. The aHUS Global Advocate provides a snapshot of updates on research and high interest topics that are specific to atypical HUS.

Are you just finding out about this way to keep connected with global aHUS advocacy, and want to get future newsletters? Sign up, it’s free (and the aHUS Alliance Global Action team keeps our mailing list private). 

Learn more about The aHUS Global Advocate with the links below, and 

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aHUS NEWSLETTER (Intro & Subscription Info)  

Are you staying current with aHUS research & News?

We invite you to subscribe to our free newsletter, The aHUS Global Advocate

We’ll send you future volumes of the aHUS Global Advocate, which you’ll receive direct to your inbox. (Be assured that our email list for free subscriptions to the aHUS Global Advocate is privately held & will not sold to others)

For More about our Newsletter & reasons to Stay Connected

Newsletter Landing Page:  https://bit.ly/aHUSglobalNewsletter

Click Here to Sign Up  and Receive our Newsletters

Its Purpose & Beginnings: aHUS Global Action Alliance Launches its Newsletter

aHUS Global Advocate Newsletters:  Archived Volumes

Special Edition, June 2024: Launch of the 2024 aHUS Global Poll

Vol 9 Newsletter

Vol 8 Newsletter

Vol 7 Newsletter

Vol 6 Newsletter

Special Edition: Report #2 on Findings from 2021 aHUS Global Survey 

Vol 5 Newsletter

1st Anniversary Edition   

Vol 3 Newsletter 

Vol 2 Newsletter 

INAUGURAL Edition – aHUS Allliance Action Newsletter 1 

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