A Statement on Outreach & Partnerships

The aHUS Alliance presents news, research updates, and insights into what matters to aHUS patients and the physicians who treat them. We highlight events and updates within the atypical HUS arena, and focus on amplifying the voices of aHUS advocates around the world.

Our social media (Twitter@aHUSallianceAct@aHUS24Sept, and Facebook page @aHUSalliance) highlights the original content from our website at www.aHUSallianceAction.org

When webinars, clinical trials, and third party surveys are posted on Twitter or Facebook relevant to the aHUS community, we may reTweet and re-post that content. That does not indicate our support of, or engagement with, those endeavors. The aHUS Alliance Global Action team does not endorse such efforts, and receives no financial benefit from sharing such information which has been placed in the public domain.
Our team welcomes partnerships with clinicians, researchers, clinical trial leads, academics, patient groups, and other stakeholders with an interest in atypical HUS issues, knowledge, and disease management/care. 

Contact us:  Info@aHUSallianceAction.org